Determined to Deliver

Ken Black – 28 Years of Service

The year is 1996. The world witnessed the birth of the flip phone, the cinematic sensation of Will Smith’s Independence Day, and the infectious rhythm of the Macarena rung in as the year’s top tune.

While many may remember that, Ken Black, Driver at Service Sanitation, remembers this as the year he entered the unique world of Portable Sanitation. For nearly three decades, Ken has masterfully commandeered dozens trucks in our fleet, most recently one of our oversized CNG trucks. His mission? To deliver, clean, and retrieve a mind-blowing number of portable restrooms, reaching into the hundreds of thousands. His unwavering dedication has certainly left a mark on the sanitation industry.

Ken’s journey has been more than just a job though. It’s been a testament to his unwavering commitment to Service Sanitation. And to you, the valued customer. From outdoor concerts such as Lollapalooza to industrial turnarounds at US Steel, Ken has quietly been behind the scenes serving as an unsung hero to many.

When ask what kept him in this line of work Ken, replied “Being a truck driver has always been a dream of mine. So naturally, I pursued that and stuck with it.” Like everything in this world though, all good things must come to an end.  Wrapping up June 21st, Ken will complete his final day on the job with one last radio call in followed by that final post-trip inspection. A much-deserved retirement and one certainly for the record books.

To celebrate Ken’s dedication, our Gary team put together a celebration party on June 12th in which there was food, music, and plenty of reminiscing and story-telling.  It’s remarkable how someone’s dedication and commitment can leave such a lasting impact, even in a field that might not always get the recognition it deserves. Here’s to a new chapter of rest, relaxation, new adventures, and the appreciation of a job well done!