Community & Connection

Bob Sprague Retires after 22 Years

If you’ve hung around our Gary branch for even a minute, you’ve probably crossed paths with our lead mechanic, Bob Sprague. Since 2002, Bob has been the mastermind behind much of our fleet mechanics. From engine rebuilds to chassis swaps and even those pesky check engine lights, Bob has always had it covered—cracking the toughest nuts with ease. That is not to say he’s had a little tongue and cheek humor along the way.

But like all good things in life, Bob has decided to hang up his welding cap and retire after more than 22 years in the industry. His last day will be July 5th. When asked what he plans to do in his retirement, Bob responded “I am hoping to travel to Maine and even Alaska. A peaceful and private community away sounds good right about now.”

To celebrate, the fleet team will celebrate Bob’s legacy with a luncheon and plenty of reminiscing and storytelling. One unforgettable memory was him showing off his original “Thor-like” hammer, which he still had from when he first set foot here. Sure, it’s had some wear and tear, but it still packs a punch. We couldn’t help but joke about mounting it on the wall as a testament to his relentless hard work!

Bob leaves behind big shoes to fill and we’d be lying if we weren’t a little nervous about what the future holds, but that’s what working in our industry is all about. It’s all about cherishing the good times while “rolling with the wrenches” that life throws at you.

We wish you nothing but the best in your retirement, Bob!